

Play nightclub in Swansea was first designed in November 2003. Subsequent planning issues dragged the project out with several false starts until the late summer of 2005. There had been many changes to the final vision along the way.

The final plan saw a complete two room venue aimed at very different punters, each had its own direct access from the street. Both have been created with a holding bar area before the main dance rooms. The unit can also trade as one large 1500 person capacity venue with level access and free flow between the main dance rooms.

In terms of public offer the unit is very unique; it has the largest projection screen in any club in Swansea. It can offer big match day coverage as well as Buisiness exhibition and display space. To further enhance the units offer is a stage are over the main bar with two pole dance areas. In keeping with access for all full disabled platform lift has been installed.

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